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“If something wants to become an image, this is not so as to last but in order to disappear more effectively”


On April 2016, William Kentridge unveiled Triumphs and Laments, a 550-meter frieze along the embankment of Rome’s Tiber River. The project was realised using a technique called “reverse graffiti” or “clean tagging”: the images that populate the travertine embankments between Ponte Sisto and Ponte Mazzini were fashioned from dirt and accumulated pollution and will disappear as the surrounding stone slowly becomes soiled again. Kentridge created images by removing, rather than adding marks, a strategy formerly adopted, for example by Rauschenberg. In Erased De Kooning Drawing (1953) the American artist erased a drawing by De Kooning made with a combination of media. The sheet of paper, with ghostly traces of the image remaining, was subsequently matted and framed. What is the difference between erasing and destroying? What does it mean to disappear? Is it possible to erase all the traces? Don’t run away. Don’t hide yourself.

DEADLINE is the 20th of September


If you are interested in actively contributing to the project, we invite you to submit articles, notes, photo projects and illustrations via the upload-form at the bottom of the page or by sending an email to

  • Authors are encouraged to write specifically for zetaesse. However, it is also possible to draw on already published work. 

  • Articles can be written in English, French or Spanish – our editorial team would take care of the translation process–  

  • We privilege articles no longer than 2000 words in length.

  • Uploaded images should be in JPG, PNG, or TIFF format 

  • Minimum 72 dpi. No watermarks please.

Please include the following information about the submission:

  • Title of work

  • Author's full name and contact information

  • A brief biography or resume (max. 500 characters)

  • Keywords


disappear |ˌdisəˈpir| verb 1 [no object] cease to be visible: he disappeared into the trees | the sun had disappeared.• cease to exist or be in use: the tension had completely disappeared. • (of a thing) be lost or impossible to find: my wallet seems to have disappeared. • (of a person) go missing or (in coded political language) be killed: the family disappeared after being taken into custody. 2 [with object] cause to disappear, as by consumption: statistics show that the community disappears about 200 pounds of cabbage a year.


theft |THeft| noun the action or crime of stealing: he was convicted of theft | the latest theft happened at a garage.


subtract |səbˈtrakt| verb [with object] take away (a number or amount) from another to calculate the difference: subtract 43 from 60.• take away (something) from something else so as to decrease the size, number, or amount: programs were added and subtracted as called for.


absence |ˈabsəns| noun the state of being away from a place or person: the letter had arrived during his absence | I supervised the rehearsal in the absence of the director. • an occasion or period of being away from a place or person: repeated absences from school. (absence of) the nonexistence or lack of: she found his total absence of facial expression disconcerting.


footprint |footˌprint| noun 1 the impression left by a foot or shoe on the ground or a surface. • the impact on the environment of human activity in terms of pollution, damage to ecosystems, and the depletion of natural resources: these countries are so populous that they can have a very big footprint. 2 the area covered by something, in particular:• the area beneath an aircraft or a land vehicle that is affected by its noise or weight. • the area in which a broadcast signal from a particular source can be received.• the space taken up on a surface by a piece of computer hardware.

clue |kloō| noun 1 a piece of evidence or information used in the detection of a crime or solving of a mystery: police officers are still searching for clues. • a fact or idea that serves as a guide or aid in a task or problem: archaeological evidence can give clues about the past. 2 a verbal formula giving an indication as to what is to be inserted in a particular space in a crossword or other puzzle.

snow |snō| noun atmospheric water vapor frozen into ice crystals and falling in light white flakes or lying on the ground as a white layer: we were trudging through deep snow | the first snow of the season.

reappear |ˌrēəˈpir| verb [no object] appear again: her symptoms reappeared.

escape |əˈskāp| verb1 [no object] break free from confinement or control: two burglars have just escaped from prison.[with object] elude or get free from (someone): he drove along I-84 to escape the police. • succeed in avoiding or eluding something dangerous, unpleasant, or undesirable: the driver escaped with a broken knee | [with object] :  a baby boy narrowly escaped

death. • (of a gas, liquid, or heat) leak from a container. • [with object] (of words or sounds) issue involuntarily or inadvertently from (someone or their lips): a sob escaped her lips.2 [with object] fail to be noticed or remembered by (someone):the name escaped him | it may have escaped your notice, but this is not a hotel.

hiding place  |ˈhīdiNG plās | a place for concealing someone or something.


ta-da |täˈdä| (also ta-dah) imitation of a fanfare, used typically to call attention to an impressive entrance or a dramatic announcement.

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